Runs Every Last Friday of the Month
Everyone Takes Turn to Host (Hare)
Venue changes per host….
Contact the GM Promiscuous Dick
+234(0) 08138868822 to become a member.
First Run:23 May 1981 Mother: Jakarta H3Father: Jacques ‘Stir Stick’ De Steur
Midwives: Hans ‘Snow White’ Koopman, Barry ‘The Lift’ Gauder
Ancestors:Jakarta H3 (1971) and Kuala Lumpur H3 (1938)
Descendants: Igbogodu H3 (1993), Pattaya Jungle H3 (2003) and Obudu H3 (2014).
IH3 was the original bush hash in Nigeria and adopted the crocodile emblem from the outset due to the frequent sightings on the runs scaring the sh1t out of the newcomers and townies alike. The original home base was GRA IKEJA, which moved to the Crocodile Bar “The Croc” in the Ajao Estate, Ikeja from around 19s.
The 1990’s saw some vintage years with the young Ozzie Bob, Sir Traffic, Colonel, Semper Fi, Cuckoo, Cornetto, Scratcher, Missionary & Heavenly Legs, Livingstick, Sir Fish Sir Jasper, No Mercy, Whiskers (r.i.p) and Pussycat conquering the bush between Ikeja and Ibadan every Saturday. The annual Halloween bash was always a fantastic event. Regular weekly runs with 20 -30 on the bush run with back to Croc on Saturday night for more fun and frolics into the early hours.
Tragedy struck IH3 in June 2000 when the hashers met with an overturned fuel truck on the way to the run. We fondly remember The Wizard of Oz, Overnight Bag and one of the Bristow drivers who perished as a result. Lucky survivors included Scratcher, Cuckoo, Lord Lucan, No Mercy & Wild Rover. The fire accident coupled with the rapidly decreasing bush due to urban development put a brake on weekly runs. However with the usual resilience of hashers IH3 soon bounced back to be running once or twice a month and extended the run site options to the Lekki Peninsula as well as some of the more trodden sites off the Ibadan Expressway.
IH3 has always had a reputation as the friendliest of hashes no doubt fuelled somewhat by the imperative of taking full pot down downs. As a world re-known singing hash the IH3 spirit was continuously reinforced by ambassadorial globetrotters such as Sugar Daddy and Ozzy Bob. Global honours were carried home by our very own No Mercy who won the women’s down down championship three times in a row at the World Interhash.
Today IH3 runs on occasional Saturday’s with the obvious challenge of finding any resemblance of bush to run around to work up a thirst. Louis ‘Staircase’ Ehizokhale is the was HM up till 2017, and no doubt with full support from Kunmi ‘Kum Sexy’ Adio-Moses as RA, Greg the Geco, and others will continue to gargle the holy water regularly so we can all look forward to the next chapters in history including continued soirees in Arepo and other wonderful places.
Current HM and RA are CumSexy and ManHole. 2017.
Important Hash Details For Ikeja H3
Runs Every Other Saturdays (bi-monthly)
Everyone Takes Turn to Host (Hare)
Venue changes per host….
234(0) 803 863 0822 to become a member.
Who Are We?
The Surulere Hash House Harriers (SH3) is a drinking club with a running problem and is the world’s largest disorganization. The first club was founded in 1938 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Since then the hash has expanded worldwide. At present, there are almost two thousand chapters in all parts of the world.
“A Drinking Club With a Running Problem,” indicates that the social element of an event is as important, if not more so, than any athleticism involved. Beer remains an integral part of a hash…. though the balance between running and drinking differs between chapters, with some groups placing more focus on socializing and others on running.
The Run
At a hash, one or more members (“hares”) lay a trail, which is then followed by the remainder of the group (the “pack” or “hounds”). Sawdust, flour, chalk, and shredded paper are used to mark the trail. The trail periodically ends at a “check” and the pack must find where it begins again; often the trail includes false trails, short cuts, dead ends, back checks, and splits. These features are designed to keep the pack together despite differences in fitness level or running speed, as front-runners are forced to slow down to find the “true” trail, allowing stragglers to catch up.
The objectives of the Hash House Harriers as recorded on the club registration card dated 1950:
• To promote physical fitness among our members
• To get rid of weekend hangovers
• To acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer
• To persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel
The Rules On The Hash:
There are no rules, only tradition. Hashers should be respectful of traditions.
Important Notice:
We are a mixed hash with mostly adults, although children are not excluded, special ‘horrors’ runs are set. However, please note that some of the language and songs are not suitable for children.
Generally, hash events are open to the public and require no reservation or membership, but most require a small fee, referred to as “hashcash”, to cover the costs incurred, such as food or drink.
The end of a trail is an opportunity to socialise, have a drink and observe hash traditions When the hash officially ends, many members may continue socialising at an “on-after”, “on-down”,”on-on-on”, “apres”, or “hash bash”, an event held at a nearby house, pub, or restaurant.
For More Information:
Contact: Bodyguard HM -SurulereH3

Runs Every Sunday of the week in the city of Surulere
Everyone Takes Turn to Host (Hare)
Contact the HM, Fucking Way Maker
+234(0) 816 668 0462 & RAS, UNCONTROLLABLE DICK +234(0) 808 285 8111
to become a member.
“The Lagos Thursday Boys H3 is one of the several hash houses in Lagos and it runs every Thursday on the island of Lagos”
In the beginning there was conviction, organization, etc. A small gang of Monday Hashers, fed up with running on a Hash which carried a disproportionate number of non-contributing hangers-on, decided to go hashing on Tuesdays instead. Our main problem was the night-fighters who were taking advantage of the cheap beer, food and other attractions (for them!!) of the Hash. An all male hash would sort them out.
Who were this band of misogynists? :
Jim Hatt, Peter Lunn, Tony Bowles, Lynne Clarke-Jones, Fred Cheval Roger Hawthorne, Dave Hammond , Peter Hurst, Jan Scholten.
Stated intention was to set a high standard of hashing! Membership was to be men only, and strictly by invitation. The annual subscription was N5,000 ($50) – this partly to avoid the inconvenience of collecting cash at each run, and partly to ensure that only ‘serious’ hashers joined. The run would be more demanding than the Monday run to deter people who regard their walk with the Monday Hash as participating in a Hash.
The inaugural run was on Tuesday, 31/5/94. Jim Hatt, the ‘Founding Father’ was Hare, and Peter Lunn came up with some sponsored T shirts, 13 runners took part. The next 6 runs attracted enough keen hashers to have really good runs, and the after run activities (both circle and chop) were excellent. Optimism was the mood of the moment – there was even talk of limiting the membership to 30!!
Then came the summer exodus. Numbers dwindled. Peter Lunn fled the country! By Run 12 we were down to a motley band of 3 or 4 hashers trying to look as though they liked running every check-back! The ultimate Hash was Run 13.
Hare – Jim Hatt, Runners – 1. Headgear had obviously gone to quite a bit of trouble to set a run, so the lone runner that had turned up decided that he would at least go for a jog around V.I. following the trail. He was later to be heard remarking that he felt a bit daft shouting “On-On” to himself, but that’s Hashing!! Pathetic tho’ a Lone Hasher might sound, it got worse. Headgear had omitted to tell “the pack” that it was an A to B run. So our lone hasher (later christened Lonely) valiantly followed the trail to point ‘B’. There the chalk ran out, and so did the daylight.
Meanwhile Headgear, having pointed the ‘pack’ in the right direction, put a few cold Stars in a cold box and drove to point B to pick up “the pack”. There he waited, and waited, and decided that his lone runner must have lost the trail. So he drives off to retrace the route, hoping to pick “Lonely” up. Meanwhile, “Lonely” reaches point B, casts around unsuccessfully for further chalk, finds none, and so has little option other than to make his way back to Headgear’s place. Muttering about poorly marked trails which were far too long, he doggedly jogs back along the trail. But perhaps the trail only seemed rather long because it lacked the usual banter and camaraderie (!!) of LTH3 runs. Approaching 8.00 pm, car and hasher finally met – almost at Headgear’s front gate! That was when the A to B trail was explained, and Headgear lost a friend!
The next half dozen Tuesdays didn’t bring out enough hashers to have proper runs. So the few who did turn up, usually less than 4, went for a jog around Ikoyi / VI, with someone nominated to ‘call’ the trail as we went. After the summer low period, members drifted back, and we were able to resume hashing.
Lagos Tuesday Hash House Harriers (First year’s runs)
From 31st May 1994. It should be noted that the current HM is Keep On Pumping while the RA is Monkey Spanker. Past Hash Masters include, Chicken Head and Missionary.
Other things you may wish to know about Thursady Hash
• The hash day changed briefly to Wednesday but then Thursday so we could still call it LTH3
• The wheelbarrow was used for icing after a boxing day at Pete de Be’s house in Ikeja. Bertie then donated a barrow but this was lost on transfer when he left (some bugger half inched it)
• LTH3 adopted some differences in the format of the circles. They used scoring for trail masters report and no mee mee mee’s for songs. Also hash hymn in double time (Cameron Stewart was then HM followed by B).
• Fucking Bunny didn’t like his LH3 hash name so we re-christened him Sir Fucking Bunny. First of the LTH3 knight hoods.
• Lagos Thursday became Lagos Thursady after Traffic Warden miss pelt name on T shirt.
The Thirsty Boyz came later. By this time a real men’s hash with no elusions of being select!!!
It has continued to run every Thursday to date in the streets of Lagos.

Runs Every Thursdays in Lagos
Everyone Takes Turn to Host (Hare)
Venue changes per host….
Contact the HM, Hire For Fire
+234(0) 706 405 3771 to become a member.