Who can or cannot be iced during a hash “circle”

During the last handover run by Lagos HHH, we had a very interesting “tales by moonlight” gathering by the burnfire during the last night of the event. One of the issues that came up for discussion was the question about who can or can not be “iced” during the “rituals” of a hash “circle”.
Whilst every hash kennel (or group of kennels) can come up with their own specific “guiding principles”, there are some guidelines that are universal to worldwide hashing.

These worldwide guidelines form the basis of most hashing activities. They, however, remain as only “guidelines”
Each kennel (or group of kennels) is free to come up with their own guidelines and can adopt these as their own best practice.
However (kpomo), there are some general international standard guidelines that are adopted by most kennels, especially for the activities in a hash “circle”.
For example, during the rituals of a typical “hash circle”, the presiding GM or HM (substantive or stand-in) can ask any other hasher(s) to sit on the ice – at his or her discretion.
When the presiding GM or HM hands over the “circle” to a presiding RA (substantive or stand-in), the presiding RA (substantive or stand-in), with the delegated authority of the presiding GM or HM, can equally ask any hasher(s) to sit on the ice (except, of course, the presiding GM – who delegated the authority to him or her) – again at his or her discretion.
Please note that the presiding GM or HM can actually “ice” even the presiding RA – since the general rule is that only the GM or HM ” can do no wrong “!.
Having said that, during the rituals of a hash “circle”, a decent GM, HM or RA should generally show some respect to “ranking” hashers depending on the circumstance.

Similarly, the presiding GM or HM should generally show some respect to his/her presiding RA – again, depending on the circumstance.
The long and short of it is that the presiding GM or HM during the rituals of a hash “circle” can ask any hasher(s), including the presiding RA, to sit on the ice during a hash “circle” event.
By extension, the presiding RA (substantive or stand-in) can, during the rituals of a hash “circle”, with the delegated authority of the presiding GM or HM, ask any hasher (except of course, the presiding GM or HM) to sit on the ice.

As a matter of fact, a “stand-in” HM has once asked the substantive HM of a kennel (who had to stand down because he was the hare for that run) to sit on the ice! The substantive HM of the kennel obeyed the stand-in HM without any issues! Don’t ask me what happened afterwards when the HM of the kennel took over his kennel – especially in subsequent “circles”!
During the rituals of a hash “circle”, the presiding GM or HM (substantive or stand-in) is completely in charge and can do no wrong!. These powers are automatically transferred to the presiding RA (substantive or stand-in) when the GM or HM invites the RA to take over the “circle”.
We should all recognise the fact that hashing discourages the display of inflated or bloated egos, either perceived or real.
Every hasher should learn to leave their high ranks, hifh academic qualifications, high chieftaincy titles, bloated egos, etc. at home when coming for a hash event, especially during the rituals of a “circle”.
Happy Easter all.
On On.
Written by: Keep On Pumping. 

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