RULE 1. There ARE no rules, but the Grand Master (GM) is always right.</p?

RULE 2. If the Grand Master IS wrong, then refer to Rule 1.

All other rules do not exist and are therefore, null and void. Some Hash Houses do, in fact, create new rules but in all such cases Rule 1 applies.

GUIDELINE 1. Religious Adviser (RA), usually becomes Grand Master (GM) at the end of his/her tenure unless Mismanagement rules otherwise.

GUIDELINE 2. The tenure of a Mismanagement Team is one year

GUIDELINE 3. The Hare is responsible for laying the trail or accompanying the Hasher laying the trail.Failure to do so may attract a fine.

GUIDELINE 4. Where a run is co-Hared, only 2 Hares are exempt from paying run fee (rego).

GUIDELINE 5. The Hash should not provide transport for Hashers to travel to events outside Lagos.

GUIDELINE 6. A ‘new Hasher’ turning up after a Run without taking part in the Run cannot be introduced as a Virgin in the Circle.

GUIDELINE 7. Only regular Hashers are eligible to vote at Handover Runs as per the dictates of the Returning Officer

GUIDELINE 8. The Mismanagement Team appoints a Returning Officer one month before Handover Run and he/she publishes the guidelines for nominations and elections one month before Handover Run

GUIDELINE 9. To be exempted from paying Monday hash fees, a Hasher should have Hashed consistently for at least 30 years and made noteworthy contributions to the Hash during that period. Or has reached the
age of 70 and Hashed for a minimum of 2 years.

GUIDELINE 10. To earn a Hash Handle (Hash Name), a Hasher should have RUN/WALKED at Monday
Hash at least 10 times. Attending a run at least 10 times and/or hosting a run, does not guarantee you a Hash name. Any decision to name a Hasher is at the GM’s discretion.

GUIDELINE 11. Lagos H3, will not rename a Hasher who has been previously named by any other kennel, worldwide. Conversely, Lagos H3 would not expect any other kennel, worldwide, to re name a Hasher that
has already been named by Lagos H3. Such a name would not be recognised by Lagos H3. In the very unusual event of Lagos H3 deciding to re name one of its Hashers, at the Hashers request, the new name will be dreadful and disgusting !!

GUIDELINE 12. Hashers will risk being iced, or worse, if not properly dressed in Hash attire, which includes sneakers or proper walking shoes. No sandals slippers or crocs will be allowed. Badges and patches can only be worn in the circle by visitors or virgins. Repeat offenders will face sanction.

GUIDELINE 13. Lagos H3 will send Sponsor money to Nash Hash and the Handover runs of its sister kennels in Lagos and Ogun State. It will also reciprocate, but not initiate, sponsorship from any other
kennel in Nigeria. Actual amounts will be decided by Mismgmt.
The GM may also encourage Mismgmt and / or LagosH3 members to donate towards a common purse for any reason, at his discretion. These donations are not compulsory.

GUIDELINE 14. All Lagos H3 Hashers are subject to the discipline and rules of the Kennel/GM they are visiting, throughout the time of the visit.
If any Hasher from another Kennel warrants discipline/ suspension from Lagos H3 events, the GM of the Hasher’s Kennel will be informed within 48 hrs by the GM of Lagos H3.
Similarly, Lagos H3 GM, would expect reciprocity from his/her fellow GM/HM, if a Lagos H3 Hasher warrants discipline. Undermining the authority of a fellow GM/HM is discouraged.

GUIDELINE 15. No Lagos H3 Hasher should conduct their private business at a Lagos H3 venue or event or use the Lagos H3 logo for private business.

GUIDELINE 16. Each new Mismanagement Team is encouraged to review this document within the first quarter of their tenure and make sure all members of Lagos Hash know about it.
These Guidelines are non-binding. If in doubt refer to Rule No 1.

TRADITION 1. Down Downs to be drunk with the left hand.

TRADITION 2. No headgear worn at Down Downs…..includes spectacles and sunglasses.

TRADITION 3. Permission required to Exit/Enter the Circle. Put your mug on your head and signal whoever is in charge of the circle at the time.

TRADITION 4. At a Down Down finish ALL your drink and place your mug upside down on your head. Mug must be upside down on your head whether you finish your drink or not.

TRADITION 5. Never point. Bend your arm and direct your elbow towards the person.

TRADITION 6. Do not talk in the Circle unless called upon to do so.

TRADITION 7. Never refuse to sit on the ice when punished, regardless of your believed innocence.

TRADITION 8. A Hasher wearing new shoes is obliged to drink from one of them or surrender it to the shoe stomper.

OBJECTIVE 1. To promote physical fitness amongst its members.

OBJECTIVE 2. To get rid of weekend hangovers

OBJECTIVE 3. To acquire a good thirst and satisfy it in beer.

PROCLAMATION 1. If any Lagos H3 Hasher misbehaves at a Monday Run/Walk/Circle and a complaint is made AND seconded by another Hasher who witnessed the infraction the matter will be taken up by LH3
Mismanagement. Otherwise it will be considered null and void.

PROCLAMATION 2. If any LH3 Hasher misbehaves at an Away event (all Hash events outside Lagos including those organized by other kennels), and a complaint is made by ANY Hasher who was at the event
AND seconded by an LH3 Hasher, the matter will be taken up by LH3 Mismanagement Team. Otherwise, it will be considered null and void.

PROCLAMATION 3. If there is a complaint of bad behaviour by a Lagos H3 Hasher, the complaint can be made by WhatsApp to any member of Lagos H3 Msmgmt and must be made within 72 hrs of the incident.
After 72 hrs, it will be considered null and void.
On receipt of a complaint, the Mismgmt member will forward it to the Mismgmt WhatsApp platform for immediate action.
On receipt of the complaint, the GM will set up an Investigative Committee of which he/she is the Chairperson.
The procedure for investigation will be drawn up by the Committee, and its findings must be made public, unfailingly, within 2 weeks of the incident.
Failure to cooperate with the investigative committee within 72 hrs of being
INFORMED of the complaint will be taken as an admission of guilt.
Reviewed and Approved by LHHH Grand Master, Promiscuous Dick & the Mismanagement Team June 2024